how to make pic and pot robot (robotic arm) in tamil
Coding For Pic and Pot #include <Servo.h> String servo; String val; int value; Servo bottomservo; Servo handservo1; Servo handservo2; Servo clipservo; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); bottomservo.attach(6); handservo1.attach(9); handservo2.attach(10); clipservo.attach(11); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) { servo = Serial.readStringUntil(',');; val = Serial.readStringUntil('\0'); value = val.toInt(); Serial.println(servo); } if(servo == "1") bottomservo.write(value); else if(servo == "2") handservo1.write(value); else if(servo == "3") handservo2.write(value); else if(servo == "4") clipservo.write(value); } *****************************************************************************